Ed Henkler (20th Co.), Ed Wynne (33rd Co.), Ken Roey (8th Co.), and Bob Guy (14th Co.) addressed incoming plebes in the Class of 2028 at the USNA Parents Club …
Earl Mosely (22nd Co.) and Will Kramer (2nd Co.) Meet with Class of 2028 Candidates
Earl Mosely and Will Kramer met with incoming Plebes from New Jersey and introduced them to the Another Link in the Chain program.
Rich Polek (31st Co.) Addresses Chicago Area Class of 2028 Candidates
Rich Polek (31st Co.) introduced the Chicago area USNA class of 2028 candidates to their 50 year class connection with the great class of 1978 via the Another Link in …
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46th Anniversary of Graduation
Lots of great photos on Facebook to celebrate and remember June 7, 1978 on the 46th anniversary of our graduation and commissioning. 954 Bachelor’s Degrees were awarded that day and …
U.S. defense leaders lean more toward ‘clarity’ on Taiwan policy (Harry Harris, 15th Co.)
Ex-commander says https://asia.nikkei.com/Editor-s-Picks/Interview/U.S.-defense-leaders-lean-more-toward-clarity-on-Taiwan-policy Retired Adm. Harry Harris says China has changed the status quo and the U.S. should change its Taiwan policy from “amigbuity” to “clarity.” (Photo by Ken Moriyasu) KEN MORIYASU, Nikkei …
Jim Butler (23rd Co.) Visits John Martin’s Grave at Arlington National Cemetery
Jim Butler (23rd Co.) posted on Facebook that he stopped by Arlington National Cemetery today to pay his respects to our brother, John ‘Breeze’ Martin (23rd Co.).
Update on Classmate Dennis Otoshi
Classmates, Greg Baur (33rd CO) recently received a short note from our classmate, Dennis Otoshi (33rd CO), who is serving in his second year as a medic on the front …
Gouge about Another Link in the Chain (ALITC) and Call for Volunteers
Dear Classmates, Apologies for this long delayed blast email, but your Another Link in the Chain (ALITC) gang has hit the ground running- executing while planning. This email is to …
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Passing of Clay B. ‘Brad’ Jackson, Jr. (9th Co.)
Dear Classmates and Brothers, This past week, e-mails across our 9th Company brothers were sorrowful over the loss of another of their own- another one of ours, Bradford Jackson [Clay …
Continue reading “Passing of Clay B. ‘Brad’ Jackson, Jr. (9th Co.)”
Current Bylaws vs. Proposed Bylaws Revision Comparison Added to Website
Several classmates have requested the redline version of the bylaws edit. With multiple people working on the revision and multiple versions of the revision over the past three months, the …
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