Terwilliger Center Navy Legends Exhibit

About the Ron Terwilliger Center for Student Athletes

The Ron Terwilliger ’63 Center for Student-Athletes

An Inside Look: The Ron Terwilliger Center for Student Athletes

Celebrating the Physical Mission at the United States Naval Academy

NAAA Officially Dedicates the Ron Terwilliger Center for Student-Athletes

Terwilliger Center Legend Exhibit

Class of ’78 Legends

Mark Boensel – Water Polo (21st Co.)

Mike Clendening Soccer (34th Co.)

Andy Cuca 150 lb Football (17th Co.)

Joe Gattuso – Football (35th Co.)

Prentiss Hall – Baseball (11th Co.)

Alan Hammond – Pistol (22nd Co.)

Steve Howell – Squash (24th Co.)

Tim McGee – Sailing (15th Co.)

Brent Obenour – Pistol (33rd Co.)

Chester ‘Chet’ Seto Squash (13th)

John Sturges – Football (34th Co.)

Buddy Robinson – Tennis (5th Co.)