First Company held their their annual “Week on the Beach” in Sandbridge, VA 1-8 October, 2022! This is the 16th year for this event (every year since 2004, minus the three ’78 reunion years), and they had a good turnout! 8 stayed all week and another 4 came to visit for a couple days. Those attending were: Ken Heffernan, Jack McCourt, Bill McAlpine, Peter Bannon, Doug Grau, Bruce Carter, Warren Krull, Bob Schwaneke, Bill Landay, Bill Truxal, Mark Hubal and Frank Hunt! While the weather was a bit cloudy and rainy the first 4 days due to the remnants of Hurricane Ian, that didn’t prevent a good time! The movie room was busy, watching such great movies as “Top Gun Maverick,” and “Greyhound.” The weather cleared by mid-week, and they got some time on the beach! And the food was, as always, spectacular with dinners such as prime rib, salmon, lamb, and pork tenderloin!