February 27th
Thanks to all who joined our first virtual class meeting! We had a great discussion, especially about our fundraising efforts. We also noted some confusion, so here’s a quick attempt to explain.
How We Got Here
Believe it or not, formal fundraising at USNA only started in 2000, thanks to ADM Larson with the newly formed Naval Academy Foundation. Since then, two massive campaigns have raised nearly $800M to fund a “margin of excellence” beyond federal funding. A third campaign is about to start.
Since our 20th reunion, our class has consistently stepped up, supporting classmates who served at USNA – guys like Joe Leidig (Commandant), Art Athens (Stockdale Center), Jeff Fowler (Supe), and Bruce Latta (Admissions). Our lifetime giving? A whopping $28M, ranking us in the top 10 classes! We’ve been among the top 2-3 classes for every fundraising challenge. ’78 sets the bar high!
Our 50th Reunion Gift
Unlike previous reunions where we fundraised over a decade, our Class Officers saw an early opportunity: the new Fluegel Alumni Center. So, back in 2020, they locked in an agreement to start fundraising early. The result? Nearly $2M raised, with our class dominating the donor wall.
Beyond the Alumni Center, we’ve given an additional $3M, including a $2.5M estate gift, through annual donations and class challenges.
At our 45th reunion, we decided to go bigger. John Semcken took the lead, and after surveying the class, we set our sights on supporting Leadership, Academics, Athletics, and the USNA Fund (Unrestricted funds) – with Leadership as our top priority – through an enduring endowment.
Where We Stand
So far, a third of our classmates have committed $7.3M in cash pledges, aiming for $10M by 2028. The endowment will generate about $500K per year for Midshipman programs, and as the fund grows, so will our impact. Notably, estate commitments add another $4M to the total.
What’s Next?
We’re pushing to break the Class of ’73’s record of 76% participation (because we love a good challenge). We’re also working with USNA to define key areas of support while ensuring our class gets the recognition it has earned.
If you already give to specific USNA programs – thank you! But please consider adding the Class of ’78 Endowment to your legacy. More updates coming soon. Let’s keep raising the bar!
Go Navy and Go Hard ’78!
John Semcken and the Gift Committee [Frank Behm, Dave Buss, Chip Jones, John Kovalcik, Ray Kwong, Bill Levis, Kevin “Grinch” Lynch, John Rudder, Maurice Tose, John Young.
February 12th
We “have not yet begun to Fight”
We’ve always been a class that leads from the front. Whether in the cockpit, the wardroom, the boardroom, or our communities, the Class of 1978 has set the standard. Today, we have a unique opportunity to leave a lasting legacy at the United States Naval Academy—one that will impact generations of Midshipmen to come.
Our Mission: Build a $10 million Class of 1978 Endowment that will live on in perpetuity, providing approximately $500,000 annually to support Leadership, Academics, Athletics, and the Naval Academy Fund. We are not just making a gift — we are ensuring that future leaders receive the very best education and training.
Good? Yes. Great? That’s Up to Us.
Our rich Uncle Sam provides Midshipmen with a solid education—but how do we make it great, if not the greatest? By going beyond what government budgets allow:
- Funding experiential leadership programs that shape officers ready for 21st-century challenges.
- Providing additional resources for top-tier professors beyond standard GS pay grades. Providing additional resources for things like Leadership Coaching and Mentoring and Leadership Research and Assessments.
- Support for top-tier coaches, facilities and resources for varsity, club and intramural athletics.
Where We Stand:
- Thanks to the generosity of 34% of our class, we have already raised total commitments of $7.3 million ($5.0 million came from four of us)!
- But to reach our goal of $10 million, we need every classmate to step up.
Why Give?
- This endowment fund never ends—it will support the Academy long after we are gone.
- Every dollar we give is invested, with 5% distributed annually to strengthen the institution that shaped us.
- You’ll know where your money is going and have a voice in shaping future funding priorities through class surveys. Where can you get that kind of performance and have the ability to make changes every year?
How You Can Act Now:
Visit our Class website, www.usna1978.org click on 50th, read the Ask Letter and complete the Donor Pledge Form.
Make your commitment today—one-time gifts, multi-year pledges or estate gifts truly make a difference.
Need guidance? Contact a Class Gift Committee member or Sara Brown at sara.brown@usna.com for assistance.
It’s time for the remaining 66% to step up. If not us, then who? We’re off to a great start. Let’s keep the momentum going and cement our legacy.
The Class of 1978: Making USNA Not Just Good, But Great.
Go Navy and Go Hard ’78!
John Semcken and the Gift Committee: Frank Behm, Dave Buss, Chip Jones, John Kovalcik, Ray Kwong, Bill Levis, Kevin “Grinch” Lynch, John Rudder, Maurice Tose, John Young