Leadership Award at USMMA Renamed for Bill Fell (34th Co.)

In a ceremony where the announcement generated a standing ovation from the Midshipmen in attendance, the United States Merchant Marine Academy announced it has renamed the ‘Power of Inspiration Leadership Award’ the ‘Captain William ‘Bill Fell, Jr. Power of Inspiration Leadership Award.’ You can watch the announcement here

Bill has served in a variety of leadership roles at the Merchant Marine Academy since joining the merchant Marine Academy faculty in 2004 including Assistant Athletic Director, Deputy Commandant of Midshipmen, Commandant of Midshipman, Deputy Athletic Director, and Deputy Director of Physical Education and Athletics. 

In 2020, a video of Bill was featured on Kings Point #MeetTheStaffMonday. It is definitely worth your time to watch the video and you will see why Bill is revered by the Mids at Kings Point.