Update on Classmate Dennis Otoshi


Greg Baur (33rd CO) recently received a short note from our classmate, Dennis Otoshi (33rd CO), who is serving in his second year as a medic on the front lines in Ukraine, and asked we share this news with our class. Here is Dennis’ note:

Thu, May 23 at 1:03 PM

Hi Greg,

The war in Ukraine has suddenly become very personal for me. My good friend Oleksandr Kucheryavenka (Sasha), a combat medic, was killed last week while attempting to rescue a wounded comrade. The funeral was this morning.

He left behind his mother and a young bride. The good…and the brave…always die young.


Greg created a “GoFundMe” page last year to support Dennis’ preferred charity Nova Ukraine, a registered non-profit, and also asked we pass along this request:

“We have had few donations for Dennis’s preferred charity over the last year.  He is well into his 2nd year in humanitarian support of the Ukrainian people.  We are about $12,000 away from our 2 years ago goal of supporting the US based Ukrainian charity that Dennis asked us to support.  Please put me out of my fundraiser pain and honor our noble brother.”

Donate to Humanitarian Support Ukraine & honoring our hero, organized by Gregory Baur.

Thanks and V/R, Greg

I would like to add that as of May 28, $25,922 of the $35,000 Nova Ukraine goal has been raised. If you are interested in providing a gift, please click the link above.

Please add Dennis to your prayers.

Fair winds…


Glen Woods

President, USNA Class of 1978